Wachuma Ceremony

  • Ayahuasca Retreat
  • Flowering Bath
  • Ayahuasca Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Retreat Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Ceremony
  • Ayahuasca Peru

Wachuma Ceremony

"Wachuma Ceremony": The Wachuma (also known as San Pedro) is a magical plant that produces a vision, magical reflection. This sacred medicine was the inspiration of the ancient pre-Inca cultures, they are Sacred Plants of the Gods, used in important rituals of spiritual connection. It was also used for energy cleansing and purification of the body, mind and spirit.

To understand the benefits, it would be necessary to experience the process. The ceremony of San Pedro is a divine gift, it gives you a self reflection, an intense connection with heaven and earth. It is a mysterious self healing that connects you with your alma mater, which is Mother Earth (Pachamama). San Pedro is a very wise master plant, it only teaches what you need to know and not what you try or want to know. We know him as the grandfather, because he is masculine.

The Wachuma is life, divine male spirit of spiritual perception and not a hallucination. It shows you experiences of real consciousness and they are not hallucinogens that play with the outside world. Before the initiation the participant is explained about the experience with San Pedro, we concentrate on what is to come and not on what we want. Many people arrive having different expectations or concepts, many readings and information of the esoteric or mystical worldview, as well as the thousand and one fantasies related to San Pedro. Wachuma ceremony in Cusco, Wachuma ceremony in Amazon.