Ayahuasca in Cusco

  • Ayahuasca retreat cusco
  • Ayahuasca in cusco
  • Ayahuasca Ceremonny
  • Ceremonia de Ayahuasca
  • Ritual de Ayahuasca
  • Ayahuasca Ritual

Ayahuasca in Cusco - Peru

We offer and conduct Ayahuasca ceremonies and retreats in one of the best spiritual environments worldwide, which is Ayahuasca in Cusco. Our facilities are totally comfortable and private, the staff is fully qualified and experienced, our Shamans come from families in the Amazonian tribes, families which have been healing with Ayahuasca for many generations, they are actually the best in the world for Ayahuasca in Cusco and Ayahuasca in Amazon rituals. We also have assistants completely qualified in medicine and psychology, and English-speaking translators as well. The Shaman, the assistant and the translator will be with the participant all along the ritual, helping the healing and well-being during the entire ceremony. Ayahuasca retreat Peru. Ayahuasca in Peru.

Our Association of Amazonian and Andean Shamans is licensed, certified by the Peruvian Department of Health, and our retreats are conducted with expertise, professionalism, solid ethical and spiritual values and with our guarantee of a 100% safe retreat for all our participants.

Cusco was the center of the great Inca empire. From this region standing both on the Andean range and the Western Peruvian jungle, a nation that reached today’s Colombia and Argentina was ruled. The Cusco region is one of the most energetic, spiritual places in the world, with wonderful valleys surrounded by mountains, woods, rivers, waterfalls, a very pleasant weather and a truly reinvigorating, relaxing flow of natural energy. Ayahuasca in Cusco surely has all these additional benefits. And so do Ayahuasca ceremonies in Amazon. Ayahuasca retreat Peru.

The Amazonian Shaman begins the ceremony giving all the instructions to the participants so they can get the most of the ritual, saying his prayers and shielding the room from negative, evil energies with the flowery water, his power rattles and the mapacho (shamanic cigarette of pure tobacco). Then he himself will drink the sacred beverage Ayahuasca and then bless the participant’s cup and give him the healing brew. Afterwards the participant will lay on his mat, with blankets, pillows and around 50 minutes later the Ayahuasca in Cusco or Ayahuasca in Amazon journey will begin. Ayahuasca in Peru.

Usually, the Ayahuasca in Cusco experience goes through three stages:

  • There is a radical access to the participant’s deep unconscious, where addictions, traumas, repressed experiences, shadow contents etc usually lie. The participant will deal with such unconscious contents but helped by the strength and wisdom of Mother Ayahuasca, until he will eventually overcome, beat any unconscious source of suffering or unhealthy emotions and behaviors.
  • Next, usually the participant is pulled out from the darkness into a realm of light and bliss, where there are several possibilities: maybe the energy stolen by the addiction or trauma etc will be restored by Mother Ayahuasca, or the participant may experience the True Self, the Godhead, our inner Divinity in union with the cosmos, or also the participant may experience cessation of suffering, what Buddhism calls Nirvana.
  • Finally, the participant will enter a state of no identification with the ego which is the realm of sorrow and fear, to experience for some hours the supreme identity beyond the encapsulated everyday “I”.

Our Association of Shamans has more than 8 years providing the best Ayahuasca in Cusco and Ayahuasca in Amazon retreats, with complete safety, expertise, comfortable facilities, top quality service and the most affordable prices in the region. Check this website and book your life-changing Ayahuasca retreat with us. Ayahuasca retreat Peru. Ayahuasca in Peru.