Energetic Massage Hot Stones Cusco

City: Cusco
  • Massage Inca
  • Massage Reiki
  • Reiki Shamanic
  • Ayahuasca in Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Peru

Energetic Massage Hot Stones

The energetic massage with hot stones is excellent for people who feel cold both on a physical and psychological level, cramps in their body. The heat of energy stones penetrates the endodermis, muscle fibers and thus calm, relieving your emotional and physical problems projected into the body as knots, contractures of nerves or muscles. We also say that it is a spiritual massage, since it is done by a Shaman who understands about spiritual energies and auras. The spiritual massage has to do with the alignment of the main chakras.

This massage will give you new energy thanks to the channeling of forces transmitted by the stones and the use of universal energies by activating chakras by means of the linear placement of stones in your spine. It also relaxes and relieves muscle ailments throughout the body, and energy points by channeling the chakras.


Short massage 60 minutes. service hotel
USD. 75.00
Normal massage 90 minutes. Service hotel
UDS. 99.00
Full massage 150 minutes, connection with nature, river.
USD. 210.00
Balinese Massage

New massage brought to Cusco city from Indonesia which is the fusion of Chinese medicine, reflexology and acupressure with Indian philosophy and medicine such as Ayurveda. This massage is recommended to people who want a firm and strong pressure focused on areas where there is a block of energy. The combination of acupressure, reflexology, stretching, aromatherapy and deep tissue massage will help you completely to improve your physical and mental health. We recommend you to take a 90-minute session because initially it will be without oil and then an exquisite Andean combination of oils will be applied all over your body.


Short massage 30 minutes
USD. 50.00
Normal massage 60 minutes
UDS. 99.00
Full massage 90 minutes
USD. 145.00