Reiki Shamanic Massage

City: Cusco
  • Massage Inca
  • Massage Reiki
  • Reiki Shamanic
  • Ayahuasca in Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Peru

Reiki Shamanic Massage - Cusco

The reki shamanic They are made by wise Shamans and spiritual guides, aware of the points of unblocking energies. We do it through the energy of chamn stones and we work the 7 chakras. The difference between Reiki massage and Inca shamanic massage, are main unlocking points throughout the body. In the end we finish with a quick massage on the back and shoulders where the greatest negative energy is concentrated, in case it is more than 1 hour.


This massage is very good to relieve muscle aches, nervous tension, stress and negative overloads. We apply the massage throughout the body with different techniques using varied organic oils (essences) and creams from medicinal plants (Coca, Marku, Chirichiry among others).

  • Invocation of the Inca spirits and the 4 forces of the universe to open the energy channels and to align the chakras.
  • Stretching, relaxation of nerves and muscles.
  • Cleansing of negative energies with the condor feather, the Flowery Water and other shamanic elements.


Quick massage 60 minutes, in cusco
Intense massage 1:20 hours, in cusco
Intense massage 2:30 hours, Total relaxation in nature.